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Recommendations for Revamping Emily Murphy Non-Profit Housing Corporation’s Brighter Futures Program

The poster titled Recommendations for Revamping Brighter Futures Program presents an image of a group of volunteers surrounded by children playing with toys on a table. At the bottom of the page is the Algonquin College and Emily Murphy Non-Profit Housing Corporation logo and the group members names

Client Emily Murphy Non-Profit Housing Corporation
Professor(s) Suzanne Henderson
Program Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Students Ayat Amourah, Arianna Mazzarello, Grace Omoregie, and Jewel White

Project Description:

Our project aimed to revamp programming provided in collaboration with Brighter Futures at Emily Murphy Non-Profit Housing Corporation. This program supports low-income, single parent, families by offering a variety of activities to children under 6.

Short Description:

Our project aimed to revamp programming provided in collaboration with Brighter Futures at Emily Murphy Non-Profit Housing Corporation. This program supports low-income, single parent, families by offering a variety of activities to children under 6.

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