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Caffeine Use in Algonquin College Students

Client Algonquin College Wellness Center
Professor(s) Sherry Poirer
Program Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Students Abby Mosier-Farquharson, Faisal Naziri, Mushtaque Memon, Mauro Mirella

Project Description:

This project explores caffeine consumption patterns among students at Algonquin College. Through surveys, we gathered data on students’ caffeine usage and preferences, and explored reasons why caffeine is used on a day-to-day basis. Our findings provided insights for the production of an electronic resource with the goal of informing students of the health benefits and risks of caffeine use.

Short Description:

This project explores caffeine use in Algonquin College students and provides a resource to inform student health decisions.

Contact the Team

Video Presentation


Caffeine Tracker
The Health Benefits and Risks of Caffeine Use

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