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Stratosfy – Temperature Monitoring Service

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Client Stratosfy
Professor(s) Abdullah Kadri Howard Rosenblum
Program CET - Computer Engineering Technology
Students Thomas Stanley, Zachery Beavis, Meet Kotadiya, Jeet Damani, Andrew Moses

Project Description:

Stratosfy has an already successful dashboard that customers use to monitor their refrigeration units, using sensors that Stratosfy has provided. The aim of this project is to provide a lower level version of the service, where customers can utilize a set of APIs to gather the same information, but not have to go through the Stratosy dashboard in order to retrieve it.
This is useful not only because it opens up the potential customer base of the Stratosfy products, but it also makes the service more versatile in how it is used by the end client. For example, if a customer had their own in house development team, that team could use the new APIs to create a custom dashboard tailored for their own uses.

Short Description:

We have created an easy to use API interface for clients to access data relating to their temperature sensors. This data includes not only temperature data, but information for notifications, equipment, device information, and much more.

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