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Pest COntrol center

It is a brief version our banner, it contains the Partner logo, a few screenshots of our project, the project title and author group name

Client AJ Alrajab
Professor(s) Abdullah Khadri David Lindsay
Program Computer engineering technology
Students Albert Unorji, Boyu Li, Leon Zhou, Hussein Abdel Sater, Kushal Kachhadiya

Project Description:

Our project “Pest Control Center” is a simple solution for real-time pest control team management. Designed to monitor, report, and respond quickly.

Short Description:

Our project "Pest Control Center" is a simple solution for real-time pest control team management. Designed to monitor, report, and respond quickly.

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Video Presentation


Our project home page, this contains a task that has been assigned to a technician. Tasks contain, duty information, Technician task is assigned to, the customers information, and the date as well as thge type of work to be performed This, is our sign in page, this page allows technicians and admins sign into the application. It decides what privledges are to be given to the person based on their credentials, and generates the appropriate portal.
This is the chat screen, it allows admins and technicians to chat and share location information within the app, calls can also be made. Contact screen allows users to filter through available contacts and select the appropriate contact they wish to contact within the company.
This is the calendar, and main feature of the application, it allows admins to assign tasks to users, it also allows technicians to vew all available tasks. Both assigned and unassigned. future and past.

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