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Exploration of Volunteering: Understanding the Motivations, Challenges and Expectations of Young Adults

Client Sentiers Wakefield Trails
Professor(s) Jed Looker Sara Hubberstey
Program Interdisciplinary Studies in Human-Centred Design
Students Abeer Zakzouk, Aditi Bhat, Min Zhang, Simon Pawar

Project Description:

Sentiers Wakefield Trails (SWT) is a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting trail creation, maintenance and associated activities in Wakefield and La Pêche. SWT is entirely run by volunteers who meet regularly to clean, maintain, and build trails, with diverse roles contributing to these efforts.

Volunteers are the lifeblood of community organizations like Sentiers Wakefield Trails, providing essential support for maintaining trails, organizing events, and fostering community engagement. However, recruiting young volunteers, specifically those aged 18-35, has proven challenging, for both SWT and for organizations across Canada (Pearce et al., 2023). This project aims to delve into the motivations and challenges related to volunteering faced by individuals aged between 18-35. By understanding why individuals with volunteer experience are involved and what obstacles those without volunteer experience face, this research aims to uncover needs and perspectives to inform better recruitment strategies.

Our preliminary research indicates that Volunteer Canada has reported a significant shortage of volunteers, affecting up to 65% of non-profit organizations (CBC News, 2023). The COVID-19 pandemic shook many once-steady trends in volunteering and participation including the lack of recognition & feedback, incomprehensive management structure & policies for volunteers, and economic challenges such as the rising cost of living(Volunteer Canada, 2023).

Young adults are driven to volunteer by a mix of personal growth opportunities, social connections, environmental concerns, and a desire to contribute to their community. However, they may encounter barriers such as time constraints, lack of awareness about volunteering opportunities, and doubts about the impact of their contributions (CBC News, 2023).

Our research aims to bring real benefits to both volunteers and Sentiers Wakefield Trails. For young potential volunteers, this research will be digging into what drives them to get involved and what might be holding them back. This research will also help support current volunteers in enhancing and maintaining their experience, thereby ensuring their continued participation and engagement at SWT.

For Sentiers Wakefield Trails, these insights will be a game-changer. Knowing what attracts and keeps young volunteers, the organization can fine-tune its programs and outreach to better connect with this age group. This means a stronger, more dedicated volunteer community, which is essential for keeping the trails well-maintained and the community engaged.

Main Research Question:
What motivates individuals, with or without volunteer experience at Sentiers Wakefield Trails (SWT) and similar nonprofit organizations, to volunteer, and what challenges do they face?

CBC News. (2023, January 24). Critical lack of volunteers putting Canadian non-profit services at risk: Volunteer Canada. CBC News.

Pearce, S., Kristjansson, E., Lemyre, L., & Takacs, T. (2023). Understanding the volunteer motivations, barriers and experiences of urban and rural youth: A mixed-methods analysis. https://doi.org/10.1332/204080521X16418948258011

Volunteer Canada. (2023). A Roadmap to meet the moment. Volunteer Canada. Retrieved from

Short Description:

Our Sentiers Wakefield Trails project targets volunteer recruitment for ages 18-35. Using surveys, interviews, and SME insights, we’re developing strategies to attract young adults to volunteer roles, addressing their motivations and challenges.

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