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Nada Dhyan Website Modernization

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Professor(s) Rama Thavasinadar
Program Computer Programming
Students Dowon Kang, Ramandeep Kaur, Wenxin Li, Hamza Nur, Justin Poirier

Project Description:

Our team underwent recreating the Nada Dhyan website from scratch in order to implement modern solutions and allow for further expansion. This modernization process included creating a new cloud-based database using MongoDB, and web server functionalities using Node.js. The website allows for users to create an account, and enroll in different programs, view an image gallery, view blog posts and testimonials, and view upcoming events on a calendar. The website also contains an administration site, where the site administrators can add, edit, and delete the content of the different pages including: programs, blogs, gallery images, testimonials, events, and users.

Short Description:

Our team underwent recreating the Nada Dhyan website from scratch in order to implement modern solutions and allow for further expansion. This modernization process included creating a new cloud-based database and web server functionalities.

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Video Presentation


Website Home Page Program Enrollment Page
Gallery Page Contact Us Page
Administrator page to add, edit, or delete programs.

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