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Lit 3D Promo Video

Poster of a promotional video project for

Client Lit 3D
Professor(s) Sean Sytsma Abhay Sharma
Program Interactive Media Design
Students Merrill O'Malley (Lead), David George, Luxshie Vimaleswaran, Ceejay Spencer, Akpieyi Jennifer

Project Description:

The purpose of this project is to generate awareness and interest in LIT’s innovative products, thereby increasing customer engagement and driving sales. The promotional videos will showcase the beauty and uniqueness of lithophanes, positioning LIT as a leader in personalized 3D photo transformations.

Short Description:

Lithophanes are thin porcelain plaques that reveal detailed images when backlit, using varying thicknesses to create dynamic light sculptures. Lit3D commemorates special moments by turning photos into stunning light sculptures.

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Video Presentation


About the product Business objectives
Our process Project timeline

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