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Inspect This Car Social Media Content and Interview Video

Includes the description of Lighthouse Films’ process in making the social media content and interview video, the members’ designation and profile photo, client information and client project description.

Client Ali Yaqub – Founder, Inspect This Car
Professor(s) Prof. SuCheng Lee
Program Interactive Media Design
Students Karlin Audrey Villasis (Lead), Kianna Willmore (Second), James Lazaro (Creative Director), Abhinav Rosemary Raj (Art Director), Liam Sayers-Aho (Minute-Taker), Derek Lai Ying Ting (Design Coordinator) 

Project Description:

Inspect This Car is eager to expand its reach and attract new, potentially inexperienced customers. The team developed a creative template with a consistent brand identity to be used for deploying sectional clips from the project of Winter 2024 students, instructional video as short-form social media content. Additionally, the team worked on video production (filming) and post-production (video editing and graphics editing) for a short interview video highlighting Ali’s passion, purpose, and to showcase Inspect This Car’s brand values.

Short Description:

The team developed a creative template with a consistent brand identity to be used for deploying sectional clips as short-form social media content. Additionally, we completed production and post-production for a short interview video.

Contact the Team

Video Presentation


This poster introduces our team members, their roles, and what our goals are when collaborating with clients. It also specifies what we accomplished with Inspect This Car and what strategies we used to help with their online (social media) branding. For the Problem, we specified Inspect This Car needing help to attract new clientele and the client needing template for the social media content as well as needing a video interview where he can talk about his business’ beginnings. The target demographics are referenced from our research findings.
This poster presents the two main deliverables being asked by the client: Social Media Content & Templates which we sourced out from the previous cohort’s  7-minute informational video which won an award last year at Applied Research Day and Interview Video showcasing Ali’s vision with the company. The team worked on the Interview Video which includes Pre-Production, Storyboard, Location Scout, Production Plan,  Production, Post-Production, Revisions and ended with Hand-off. For Social Media Content, we start with Pre-Production; Research, Moodboard, Design, Post-Production, and Handoff.
This poster gives us a peek of the team at work during the filming of the interview video at Invest Ottawa for our client in frame Ali Yaqub. The team had a full light, audio, and 2-camera set-up for the subject and one camera taking the B-roll or supplement shots.

Funded By


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