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GHS Enterprise Website Redesign & User Experience Enhancement 

Display poster, GHS Enterprise company focuses on empowering customers through learning and shaping culture, website redesign project aims to ensure the new website meets the needs of its users and al at the same time effectively convey the mission and services of GHS Enterprise. Six members of the

Client GHS Enterprise / Greg Smith - CEO
Professor(s) SuCheng Lee
Program Interactive Media Design
Students Monica Torres, Mikaela Roberts, Olga Durham, Meiyi (Faye) Lau, Nathan Pavao, Archit Krishna 

Project Description:

Team ImmersiVerse Design, composed of six members from the Interactive Media Design program, was tasked with redesigning the GHS Enterprise website. Our client, Greg Smith, CEO of GHS Enterprise, wanted to enhance the original website’s appeal and functionality, ensuring that the new design was reflective of the company’s revised mission statement. The redesign focused on modernizing the website’s visual design, simplifying navigation, improving the interactive iceberg feature, and reducing reliance on WordPress plugins. Our objective was to create a more user-friendly, engaging, and professional website that would effectively communicate GHS Enterprise’s services, values, and mission.

GHS Enterprise is a consultancy dedicated to enhancing organizations through learning and culture shaping. The company’s core purpose is to strengthen client agility, sustainment, and profitability. They offer three primary solutions to help organizations navigate change successfully:

  1. Reignite HR: The nature of work has changed, and people’s practices need to pivot to keep pace.
  2. Learning Lane: Tailored learning journeys through workshops, facilitation, and learning designs.
  3. Culture Shaping: Creating and sustaining preferred operating cultures aligned with clients’ competency frameworks.

GHS Enterprise’s mission is to ensure that every client is or becomes a great place to work, where employees contribute to critical business outcomes, fostering business success through enhanced organizational capability. This message was to be at the forefront of the company’s enhanced website.

ImmersiVerse Design takes a user-centered design approach to ensure the new website meets the needs of its users while effectively conveying GHS Enterprise’s mission and services. We take this approach to turn problems into creative solutions through a structured project development process, which includes:

  • Define. Establish goals, conduct research, and identify deliverables to ensure we understand the client’s needs and objectives.
  • Plan. Develop a timeline, assign roles, and allocate resources to ensure a smooth workflow.
  • Design. Create concepts, develop visual elements, design intuitive navigation, and structure information to build a cohesive and appealing interface.
  • Develop. Build the website using WordPress and custom HTML and CSS code, conduct user testing to ensure functionality, and make necessary adjustments based on feedback.
  • Launch. Transfer the final product to the client, conduct final testing, and finalize all details to ensure a seamless and successful website launch.

By taking this structured approach, ImmersiVerse Design transforms challenges into creative solutions, ensuring that the GHS Enterprise website is not only visually appealing but also highly functional, user-friendly, and aligned with the company’s mission and values.

Short Description:

The ImmersiVerse Design team redesigned the GHS Enterprise website to create a user-friendly, mobile-first, professional website that showcases the company’s services and values, enhances navigation, and revamps the interactive iceberg feature

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Video Presentation


Designers team. Immersiverse, six members from the Interactive Media Design program. Problem statement: Enhancing and optimizing GHS enterprise Website to improve navigation, avoid content repetition, make accessible images, and simplify  iceberg module. Demographics, primary audience, chief of Human resources organizations and secondary audience, managers and directors of change au
Five stages of approach process, define, plan, design, develop and launch. Solutions, redesign website layout and navigation to enhance user experience, and develop a website in Wordpress.
Outcomes are the deliverables the project will deploy for design, development and launch stages.

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