UXD/UID Mobile App Project
Posted on Thursday, April 4th, 2024

Project Summary:
A User Experience/Interface Design (UXD/UID) mobile app project for Key to Thrive academic coaching.
Client | Tina Mackey | |
Professor(s) | Sean Sytsma, | |
Program | Interactive Media Design | |
Student Team Members | Zarmeen Malik; Vanessa Isabela Denny; Yik Hang (Vicky) Fong; Aiden Famili; Yuka Ishii |
Project Description:
The team designed a mobile app for a company called Key to Thrive. They worked with Tina Mackey, the Academic Coach and Founder, in order to learn more about the business and its’ needs, conduct user research, and create preliminary designs for a mobile app that will be developed in the future. A variety of research and design documents such as personas, flow diagrams, mood boards, style tiles, wireframes, and prototypes were prepared for this project. Effective project management and exceptional organization allowed the project to be completed successfully and well ahead of the deadline.