First Step Ottawa

Project Summary:

Bridging the Canadian Experience Gap: Empowering skilled immigrants with their first job opportunity through 6-Month Work-Term Programs in collaboration with the City of Ottawa, their First employer, and Career Services.

Client City of Ottawa
Professor(s) Jed Looker,
Student Team Members Aishwarya Mago;
Vinas Mavani;
Prajakta Amin;
Mayank Jain;
Celine Ishimwe

Project Description:

Our study explored the challenges skilled immigrants face in Ottawa’s job market. Through interviews and analysis, we found a significant barrier: employers’ lack of trust due to perceived lack of Canadian experience and education.
To address this, we’ve developed 6-Month Work-Term Programs, with the City of Ottawa, their inaugural employer. These programs provide skilled immigrants with their first job opportunity and access to city career services, fostering trust and bridging the gap in Canadian work experience.

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