Inspect This Car Video Poster
Posted on Tuesday, March 26th, 2024

Project Summary:
Our team was tasked with creating an informational video on the used car buying experience in Ontario for our client, Ali Yaqub. Ali is the owner and founder of Inspect This Car a company that provides an impartial car inspection service for clients.
Client | Ali Yaqub |
Professor(s) | Sucheng Lee, |
Program | Interactive Media Design |
Student Team Members | Tanner Green; Dawson Peddie; Thomas Stanton; Nate Smith; Uluhan Orhan; Colin Clothier |
Project Description:
This video project is a collaboration between the Interactive Media Design Program and the company Inspect This Car. Inspect This Car is a car inspection service that offers clients a neutral network of mechanics that will certify used vehicles for sale. This is done through their website where clients can sign up to have a car inspected by booking a time with a partnered auto shop. This greatly benefits the seller and the buyer as the mechanic is a third party and therefore impartial towards either party.
Our team was tasked with turning pre-production produced by a previous group into a fully finished video product for the company. The premise of this video was an educational piece of content explaining the process of buying a used car and how the client’s service makes the process easier. We were provided with storyboards, a script, a shot list, personas, and material that helped with the feel of the video. In addition to this we commissioned a professional voice actor to read the script for the production.
Over the course of three weeks, we filmed all the material needed to put the video together. Our first shoot took place at one of the client’s partnered mechanic shops. Here we got shots of one of the mechanics inspecting a car for the video. These clips were to be used as B-roll to show the process of the car inspection. Our second video shoot took place a week later where we filmed all the “meet up” and “paper signing” B-roll. These clips were used to reinforce the information provided to us in the script about safe meetups, paperwork info, and DIY car inspection tips. For the final week of filming, we shot additional clips to fill spaces we felt were missing in the editing process.
The editing process began in the third week of filming. Over the course of two weeks, we stitched together all the clips we wanted to use in the video and created a rough version. From the rough draft we started creating animations in Adobe After Effects to enrich the viewing experience. By the end of the second week of editing we had a product we were happy with and presented it to our client. He suggested minor changes that we promptly made to produce the final product.
In addition to the first video, we had some extra time since all the pre-production material was handed off to us. We produced pre-production for a second video that we unfortunately did not have enough time to shoot and edit. This video would have been an interview telling our client’s story and the history of the business. Our plan for this material is to hand it over to a group in the future if our client decides to collaborate with the College again.