
Project Summary:

A team of Computer programming students, working on a web application for Employers and Gigworkers.

Client Appy.Yo
Professor(s) Rama Thavasinadar
Program Computer programming
Student Team Members Lin Hang, Obukhova Iuliia, Simeunovic Nikolas, Yeganeshenas Mohammadhassan

Project Description:

Web application that facilitates the economic interaction between employers and employees in the gig economy. In the gig economy employers need to find and hire temporary workers for their businesses within a short time span and gig workers need to advertise their availability on a low-cost platform that enables employers and employees to communicate with each other. Not many platforms have been developed that offer this functionality to the gig employee labor market. Gig workers and employers can benefit from a platform to advertise, search, find, communicate and negotiate, and engage in other economic interactions. This platform is low-cost and user-friendly. It is based on well-developed and available software development tools.

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