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MakerSpace Robot

Description and feature highlights of the MakerSpace Robot

Client Stephen Gagne, Matthew Jerabek
Professor(s) Asim Butt, Leanne Seaward Dave Lindsay, Laura McHugh
Program Computer Engineering Technology - Computing Science
Students Krishna Biradar,, Scott Czerneda,, Krystan Kornafel,, Vandankumar Patel, , Nick Pratecante, , Dan Rooke

Project Description:

The objective of the project was to design, construct, and test a robot which would listen and respond to student’s questions about the MakerSpace, using gesture and text-to-speech to communicate.
The goal is to drive interest in and student traffic towards the MakerSpace.

The two main features of the project are: the use of natural language processing to parse intent from questions (allowing the robot to answer multiple phrasings of questions seeking the same answer); and the construction of custom circuitry and associated software to control the Meccano chassis’ servos, allowing the MakerSpace to customize animations to their heart’s content.

An ambitious project, this was the first phase to set the foundation for future project teams to build on. The core design tenet of this phase was modularity: Each aspect of the robot hardware and software can be swapped out, replaced, upgraded and modified.

Short Description:

A new brain for an old robot: A project to add question and answer functionality to a Meccano robot to drive interest in the MakerSpace, as well as replace the robot's gesture system with a custom one.

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Video Presentation


Meccano Meccanoid G15k chassis used as the body for this project Raspberry Pi 3+ single-board computer was used as the platform for the new robot controller
A sequence diagram showing flow of software through the various modules Circuit diagram of the bypass circuit designed to allow control of the Meccanoid's servos from the Raspberry Pi
Circuit board design of the bypass circuit designed to allow control of the Meccanoid's servos from the Raspberry Pi

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