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Interactive Media & Design Pitchfork

Client Interactive Media & Design Program
Professor(s) David Solomon
Program Project Management Graduate Certificate
Students Shiwei Wang, , Abdallah Abdulkadir, , Harlabh Singh, , Maya Bannis, , Mehrnaz Ravanbakhsh, , Suruthy Dinakaran

Project Description:

This is an assignment for the Project Management Graduate Certificate’s Applied Project Management course (MGT4209). This project employs students of the Project Management program to implement the skills gained through courses. During this initiative, the students must create a connection between future candidates and Algonquin College, collect potential projects for the IMD department and solidify this initiative as an ongoing assignment for the Project Management Applied Projects.

Short Description:

The Department of Interactive Media & Design (IMD) reaches out to the public to showcase students' skills through client projects. These projects are design-focused and will run for 9-10 weeks.

Contact the Team

Video Presentation


Call for Projects Flyer, Request for applicants for the IMD pitchfork Slide Deck containing additional information of the IMD pitchfork

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