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Yudansha Online Quiz

Client Darren Hunter
Professor(s) Howard Rosenblum Howard Rosenblum
Program Computer Engineering Technology - Computer Science
Students Dylan Cooney, Noah Gaus, Patrick Leblanc, Mohit Nargota, Romeo Samson

Project Description:

In martial arts, belt progression requires both a physical test and a theoretical knowledge test. Currently, the theoretical knowledge test is done in person during classes and graded manually, resulting in less time spent on physical training. With limited in-person class time, a solution is needed that allows the students to take the theoretical test at home prior to classes and to receive immediate test results.
With Yudansha Online Quiz, a Sensei can create, edit, and delete quizzes in the web-based application. The application allows for various question – answer formats including multiple choice – single answer, multiple choice – multiple answer, matching, ordering and short answer. A Sensei can set time limits and a password for the quiz. Lastly, both Sensei and student can see the results of the test allowing for immediate performance feedback. The goal of the web-based quiz application is to ensure that more in person class time can be dedicated to physical training.
Developing the application began with a creation of a mock-up of the application. The client provided feedback and additional deliverables for the team. Because the client had an existing webpage that was hosted on WordPress, it was decided the application would be developed as a WordPress plugin. The languages used to develop the application included PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (jQuery). GitHub was used to host the team’s code repository. Local by flywheel was used as a local WordPress environment. Lastly, WordPress’s native database, user roles and many of WordPress’s provided features was leveraged.
The end product resulted in a functional WordPress plugin that can administer, create, edit, delete online quizzes. Question types of multiple choice, multiple select, matching, ordering and short answer can be created. Automatic grading, immediate feedback for both student and sensei are present. The application also allows for future expansion, if necessary.
The team learned valuable lessons with the development of this application. The team learned about WordPress and WordPress plugin development, a development environment vastly different from the ones the team were familiar with. The team learned to overcome design and development challenges that were unique to WordPress. The team learned what it meant to work together as a team collectively to meet a client’s requirements. The experience gained from this project has been a valuable experience.

Short Description:

A web-based application designed for a Sensei to create, edit and delete quizzes to be administered to students online and at home allowing for automatic grading and immediate feedback.

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Video Presentation


Question Creation - Sensei/Teacher view of creating a Ordering Question Quiz Creation - Sensei/Teacher view of creating a quiz
Quiz Taking - Student view of taking a quiz Quiz Taking - Submitting quiz without filling out a question
Quiz Results - Student view of quiz results after submitting the quiz Quiz Results - Student's results emailed to the Sensei/Teacher of the quiz

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