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Vernon Village Community Website

VCA Website Poster

Client Melissa Sienkiewicz
Professor(s) Rama Thavasinadar
Program Computer Programming
Students Mathew Broeze, Lucas Ross, Zinkalben Patel

Project Description:

When tasked with creating a website for the Vernon Village Community Association, we quickly realized that the website needed to be able to grow and change along with the community. Our goal was to implement a system that would allow the residents of Vernon Village to share and engage with their neighbors.

There was a variety of content that needed to be displayed: images, upcoming community events, and more. Furthermore, it was required that community members be able to submit content, and that the website administrators be able to update and modify existing content. Given our small team size, and relative lack of time, we chose to use SvelteKit as a development framework for its flexibility, ease of use, simple deployment, and component system which encourages code re-use.

In addition, it was clear to us that the actual form of the content was not set in stone, and might have to change in response to the needs of the community. To that end, we decided to leverage the flexibility of MongoDB.

The end result was a lightweight community website with a content management system that allows people to engage and interact with their community.

Short Description:

We created a community website for Vernon Village. We leveraged SvelteKit and MongoDB to rapidly develop a content management system that would allow the residents of Vernon Village to share what they felt was important about their community.

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The community groups page helps residents find others with like interests. Community members can submit content for display on the website
Administrators then approve the content for display on the website Administrators can edit content that is currently displayed on the website
Community members can reach out to administrators with ideas and feedback

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