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Digital Community Bulletin Board

Mosaic of Images

Client Melissa Sienkiewicz
Professor(s) Dr. Rama Thavasinadar
Program Computer Programming
Students Abundance Esim,, Cameron Barber, Khaled Albowaidani,, Moyinoluwa Adeyemo

Project Description:

Our client, Mrs. Sienkiewicz, has requested our team build the foundations for members of her community to better interact with one another. This interaction would be just like a real physical bulletin board in a community centre. Users may upload pictures and notes to display relevant news, advertise events, and promote small businesses.

Our client is pleased with our work so far, as obstacles were few, and requirements were clear and manageable. Our greatest obstacle was the loss of two team members in the beginning of the semester and adding a new member three weeks into the course.

We learned valuable lessons in communicating frequently, planning, and learning new software. Software frameworks and languages we used, such as Angular, Node.js, Typescript and MongoDB, were completely new to some members of our team. Designing and executing a full enterprise application is a challenging task, especially using unfamiliar software.

Short Description:

An enterprise-level application capable of rendering and displaying images uploaded by users. It includes Database persistence, web server, and content moderation.

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Video Presentation


On the 'admin' page, potential posts may be accepted, rejected, or completely deleted Posts on the admin page display a popup window, allowing for approval, rejection, and deletion. The admin may also set an expiry date, deleting the post automatically when it is reached.
The 'users' page allows for a user to upload an image representing an advertisement, an informal message or important notice. Posts are kept indefinitely on a server, until they are deleted by the admin or a set expiry date. Example of a user beginning a post. Posts may come with a description if there isn't already legible text in the image.
Example of the new post being added to the 'admin' page, being approved, Full View of the board page with all 'accepted' posts

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