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CH4 Biogas – Characterization of Biogas/Methane production and yield.

Research Project aimed to spotlight the potential energy supply of biological waste products.

Client CH4 Biogas
Professor(s) Charles Nasmith
Program Biotechnology - Advanced
Students Patrick Gravel, Colleen Griffith, Luke Seldenthuis-Preville

Project Description:

Manure from a digestion plant has been sampled with a viable substrate (wood chips) in order to promote/quantify the biomethane potential of the bottles of manure. In a closed system an anaerobic setting allows microbes to consume carbon sources to produce energy rich gases such as methane.

Short Description:

Patrick, Colleen and Luke have been working on a school year-long project to develop and replicate a recovery process. Visualize the concept of sustainability and calling to action the methods capable of turning someone’s “trash into treasure”.

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A Manometer measures the change in atmospheric pressure cause by the biogas produced in our BMP bottles. The media we used to prepare our samples, and a shelf of test kits for the chemical characterization of our wood chips.
Where our BMP bottles stayed most of the month, warm and being spun at 100+ rpm for hours on end. An oven we used to pre-characterize our substrate (wood chips). Following this step is the muffle furnace (not in this photo)!
The instrument required to measuring a multitude of chemical characterizations. A TKN test kit is seen on the left-hand side.

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