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The WALDS : Lykka Village

A banner image for the company.

Client Lykka Village
Professor(s) Rama Thavasinadar
Program Computer Programming
Students Mei Zhi Li, Alka Devi, Darcia Wilkins, Mohammed Arab, Harshang Shah

Project Description:

Lykkå Village is a community-building and co-living startup based in Montreal, founded in 2020 by Trine Mikkelsen and Jean-Michel Pollak – both parents themselves. The name “Lykkå” is derived from two Danish words: “Lykke,” meaning “happiness,” and “å,” meaning “stream.” Lykkå Village provides a unique blend of the features offered by Airbnb and Match.com, bringing families together to live in harmony and mutual support. In addition to shared living spaces, the platform enables members to host and join events, buy and sell goods and services on the marketplace, and connect with like-minded people.
Recently, Lykkå Village required the creation of an event sidebar to help filter their events, making it easier for members to find events that suit their interests and needs. With this new feature, Lykkå Village continues to enhance the user experience, offering a more personalized and convenient way to engage with the community.
In order to help Lykkå Village achieve their goal of providing a more personalized and convenient experience for their members, we implemented a filtering algorithm for events. This algorithm uses a date picker, category selector, and search bar to make it easier for users to find events that suit their interests and schedule. By incorporating these features, Lykkå Village is able to offer a more streamlined and user-friendly platform, making it easier for members to engage with the community and participate in events that matter to them.
Throughout the project, our team gained valuable insights and experience. We learned how to quickly adapt and learn new technologies, such as React and MUI, in order to meet the client’s needs. Additionally, we honed our skills in client communication and collaboration, working together as a team to achieve our goals. Along the way, we were presented with various challenges, which provided us with opportunities to develop our problem-solving skills and think creatively to find solutions. Overall, our experience with Lykkå Village allowed us to not only expand our technical skills but also our interpersonal skills, making us better equipped for future projects.

Short Description:

Our goal was to facilitate Lykka Village’s event page with the features of filtering by data from the calendar, searching events using a search bar, multiple categories & sub-categories to choose from and resetting the filters whenever needed.

Contact the Team

Video Presentation


Pictures of all the members Expected FIGMA provided by the client
The landing page of Lykka Village Events page sidebar created by the team
New Event submission page Latest events page of Lykka village

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