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Hyper Parameter Optimization System

Client Sec Dev
Professor(s) Hari Koduvely
Program Artificial Intelligence and Software Development
Students 1. Abhishek Barot , 2. Kathan Patel , 3. Rafael Ferreira de Moraes , 4. Ria Keval Shah , 5. Yazhini Venkatesan

Project Description:

The project’s purpose is to facilitate the process of training and optimizing models. It should easily allow the developer to create varied algorithms for experimenting. Then these experiments should be easily visualized and stored. The optimization process should include different algorithms such as Bayesian optimization, grid search and random search. The algorithms should also support parallel training for lowering the time spent training all experiments. The visualization should be responsive and updated in real time so the developer can easily decide to stop or restart the optimization process.

Short Description:

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Video Presentation


snap of the web interface we created

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