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Homebrewing Beer Machine

This project propose an easy set-up Homebrewing Beer Machine that can be monitored and controlled via smartphone app

Client Andrew Huddleston
Professor(s) Mauricio Ledon Diaz, Bijan
Program Electrical Engineering Technology – Mechanical Engineering Technology – Computer Science Technology
Students Marcos Astolfi Garcia
Sam Gayle
Tianji Jian
Vrishabh Kumar
Zechen Zhou

Project Description:

The smartphone app connects to a homebrewing beer machine for the purpose of providing users with an easy install/set-up brewing machine that can be adjusted to meet different beer standards and flavour profiles. Currently brewing beer at home is done manually and usually involves do it yourself set-up. These set-ups are not user-friendly and involves constant monitoring on the spot. Also, the user is limited to only one recipe for brewing the beer.

Currently brewing beer at home is done manually and usually involves do it yourself set-up. These set-ups are not user-friendly and involves constant monitoring on the spot. Also, the user is limited to only one recipe for brewing the beer. With the introduction of PLC (Programmable logic language) controllers the automation of brewing beer at home possible, removing the need for manual handling. Our solution is fully automated and easy to interface via smartphone app, which makes it user-friendly. Our app allows users worldwide to share recipes with each other and the opportunity to interact with each other creating an online community.

This project will include the technical specifications for the Smartphone application and the chips used in the design. The brewing machine is discussed in terms of its logic system, sensors, valves, microcontrollers, and connectivity between the smartphones application and the brewer.

Short Description:

This project is a design that improves efficiency of homebrewing beer by automating the processes and enabling the whole processes to be monitored and controlled with a smartphone app.

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Video Presentation


App Homepage App Navigation Drawer
App Preset Recipes Beer Machine

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