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Telemedicine App

Telemedicine app banner.

Client Raviraj Mangukiya
Professor(s) Howard Rosenblum, Linda McHugh
Program Computer Engineering Technology
Students Benjamin Todorski, Bikramjeet Singh, Gaurav Sharma, Zhuang Tian

Project Description:

A telemedicine app is designed to connect patients with suitable medical professionals based on the patient’s symptoms, needs, and availability. A well-designed telemedicine app will allow patients access to treatment without the need to manually search for a suitable doctor, and provides them a means of access to healthcare services without needing to leave their home. The app makes it easier and more convenient for patients to connect with the right providers by providing a web-based solution they can access from their mobile device or home computer.

Safe and convenient access to healthcare services is very important to Canadians. Ensuring a patient is connected with the correct medical professional is critical to minimize wait times for treatment, and to avoid the patient being needlessly redirected before receiving proper treatment. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has placed strain on the healthcare system, increased mental health burden on Canadians, and exacerbated the difficulty for patients to access necessary healthcare in person due to the safety measures meant to limit the spread of COVID-19.

This application simplifies the handoff to the correct healthcare professional by understanding the patient’s needs and assigning them a suitable doctor. This helps reduce strain on the healthcare system by minimizing unnecessary visits and making more efficient use of available doctors’ time. Since the application is a mobile app, patients are able to schedule appointments from home. All of these outcomes ultimately have the effect of minimizing face-to-face time with patients, and preventing patients from physically visiting healthcare facilities when unnecessary, thereby helping to reduce risk to healthcare professionals and the general public.

Short Description:

A telemedicine app which makes it safe and convenient for users to connect and book appointments with healthcare providers based upon their stated symptoms.

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