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A Smart Leg Exerciser

Smart leg exerciser project banner image.

Client Tetra Society
Professor(s) Brian Gray,
Program Mechanical Engineering Technology
Students Simon Beach, Nader Assi, Deep Bhakta, Tyler Carr, Prubhkirat Singh

Project Description:

A workout machine was modified and made for Tetra Society with the aim of helping a kid that has mobility issues to maintain and rehabilitate their leg muscles. By adding advanced connective capability, the client will be able to adjust the difficulty of their workout using a phone app.

The machine must also have different difficulty settings such as easy, medium and hard modes which the user can choose from in the app. We also offer a terrain mode setting which changes the difficulty over time mimicking a hike on a trail that has varying road gradient and difficulty.

The design criteria for this project are:

– Start remotely (via a remote starter controlled by Bluetooth) from a distance up to 10 metres.

– Have several difficulty settings the user can choose from.

– Have a phone app that the client can use to set the difficulty setting and keep track of progress.

– Include an electrical sensor system, which will measure both speed and heart rate to provide real-time user feedback that will be displayed on the user interface.

– Be built on an initial prototype budget of $500 CAD.

Short Description:

A modified workout machine that is easy, pleasant and motivates kids to stay healthy and rehabilitate their leg muscles. An app tracks the user’s workout and provides positive feedback.

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Video Presentation


Step counter device. Mobile app workout start screen.
Mobile app progress screen. Commericial leg exerciser with LCD readout.
Stepper motor assembly 3D render. Smart exerciser prototype.

Funded By


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