SLiDE Partners, CHEO and Eco-equitable (EE) are levelling up the mask game!
Posted on Thursday, April 22nd, 2021

Last year, Algonquin College helped respond to the Ottawa/Canada PPE shortage assisting with efforts to create and decontaminate shields, and medical-grade mask. As part of this response two SLIDE partners, CHEO and Eco-equitable (EE) also initiated research into the design of a high performing re-usable mask for the community. After almost a year of development and testing, we would like to get the masks to the Ottawa public, with the goal of reducing COVID transmission during the third wave. To achieve this masks will be sold as part of a fundraiser for CHEO.
The masks are very comfortable, have an amazing fit and achieve > 80 % particle penetration (new) while retaining > 70% particle filtration after 50 machine washes. The mask easily meets the 50% particle filtration efficiency specification recently set by the ASTM for consumer/community masks. The vast majority of community masks only achieve 30-50% PFE.
CHEO and EE have manufactured an initial lot of 1000 masks and will be selling them through Ecoequitable’s website. They will also be available at Kardish Health Food stores.
Purchase a mask here:
Check out the full article in the Ottawa Citizen: