Winners of RE/ACTION (April 2018)

Pressure Tube Measuring Device

1st Place Winning Project

CNL’s goal is to develop a system to measure segments of decommissioned pressure tube. A measuring device for nuclear pressure tubes is to be designed and built on the basis of precision, accuracy, ease of use, cost and nuclear radiation resistance in order to attain data for research purposes.

Presenters: Jeff Roome, Zach Watson, Stephane Huard, Rob Stephens
Professor: Sandra Brancatelli
Industry Partner: Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

1st Place Winner - Pressure Tube Measuring Device

Hydroponic Living Wall

2nd Place Winning Project

A hydroponic living wall with an emphasis on automation and efficiency, intended for use in Algonquin College’s Horticultural Industries program.

Presenters: Samm McKay, James Savage, Seamus McGarragle, Jibrel Jama
Professors: Cynthia Ough Underwood, Laura McHugh
Industry Partner: Algonquin College

2nd Place Winner - Hydroponic Wall

Cerberus E.O.D. Tool

3rd Place Winning Project

A tool designed to aid in the safe excavation and extraction of explosive devices.

Presenters: Carl Plessl, Daniel Marion, Ian Campbell, Gouled Arte
Professors: Sandra Brancatelli, Jim Catton
Industry Partner: Med-Eng

3rd Place Winner - Cerberus E.O.D. Tool


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