Immunity Warriors Launch
Posted on Friday, January 27th, 2017
Immunity Warriors: Invasion of the Alien Zombie is a motion comic book that uses Madefire to transform a traditional comic book into an exciting interactive experience. With an action-packed storyline, Immunity Warriors educates children on their immune system, battling viruses, and the importance of vaccinations.
The group responsible for the project including Dr. Wilson, the mHealth group at OHRI and Kevin Holmes, Project Manager at the Health and Wellness Research Center, held a press release on Tuesday, January 24th. The event took place at Broadview Public School and participating students were asked to brainstorm names for the motion comics characters.
The response from the press has been very positive – Immunity Warriors is featured in the Ottawa Citizen, The Kitchissippi Times and on CBC and Global News.
Currently, Immunity Warriors: Invasion of the Alien Zombies is available through the CANImmunize app or online at www.immunity