The Winners of Applied Research Day 11.2

A.R.D. 1.2 Logo V2

Congratulations to all the winners of the Applied Research Day 11.2 student showcase on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013! All of the projects were wonderful, making it difficult to choose the top three!


Below are the winners for each category:

1st Place

Security Emergency Contact App
Industry Partner: Algonquin College – Safety, Security & Emergency Management
Professor: Edmund Strange/Mel Sanschagrin

Students: Ryan Hughes; Nick Briglio; Alex van der Mout; Andre Drapeau; Gabriel Edwards; Keithton Li

2nd Place

KI Nature & Wellness Trail Signage & Development
Industry Partner: KI Pembroke
Professor: Ian Pineau/Cameron Dube

Students: Ria Quik; Kate Ming-Sun

3rd Place

PsychWizard Treatment/Response Monitoring
Industry Partner: Psychopharmacology Wizard, Inc.
Professor: Edmund Strange

Students: Eric Llewellyn; Tamara Grbo; Riza Baltazar; Angela Kwok; Hamdan Al-Buhaisi; Abhishek Joshi

*Prizes for Applied Research Day included certificates and a cash award of $100 per team member for 1st place, $75 per team member for 2nd, and $50 per team member for 3rd.

To see media coverage and more information on Applied Research Day 11.2, click here.


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