Pathway Explorer Profile: Synthia Aguirre


Grade 12 St. Patrick’s High School student Synthia Aguirre has explored two different pathway options through the dual credit program this school year, beginning with the chef training course in the Fall.

“It was pretty interesting,” said Aguirre. “It was a real mind opener and I learned a lot.”

This semester, Aguirre is taking a second dual credit course, Ethics, as the final credit needed toward her high school diploma. Success in both her culinary and ethics courses encouraged her to apply to a couple of different college programs, including culinary skills and police foundations.

Accepted into both, Aguirre’s final choice didn’t require much deliberation.

“Since I was a little girl, I’ve always wanted to work in policing. I’ve always had a passion for it.”

– Synthia Aguirre, Dual Credit Student

Aguirre’s father used to work for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, giving her a background in her future profession.

“I’d always be with him, so I learned a few things,” said Aguirre. “His best friend was a police officer, so I picked up a bunch of things from him, too.”

The credit from the ethics course will count as a first-semester credit in her Police Foundations program and has given Aguirre an introduction to some of the ethical challenges facing an officer of the law.

“We talk a lot about the difference between right and wrong,” said Aguirre. “We were learning and debating about the transgender washroom issue last week.”

In addition to gaining valuable experience in Algonquin’s academic environment, the dual credit experience has convinced Aguirre that the college lifestyle is the right fit for her.

“It’s not as judgmental of an environment, and I really like the freedom.”

About Academic Partnerships:

Pathway Building since 2006. Academic Partnerships works with a comprehensive network of Pathway Builders (community, educational and government stakeholders) to create and deliver on a variety of experiential opportunities to be a college student through hands-on, curriculum-driven experiences for Pathway Explorers (students in grade 7 – 12). With a commitment to the dream development and pathway finding for students prior to starting full-time studies the team has programming at Algonquin College’s three Ontario Campuses: Ottawa, Pembroke, and Perth. For more information visit:


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