Pathway Explorer Profile: Olivia Davis


Olivia Davis, an Elizabeth Wyn Wood Secondary Alternate School student, is finishing up her high school diploma through the dual credit program at the college this semester.

Currently taking the ‘College and Career Success Skills’ course as her final credit before graduation, Davis speaks glowingly of her time in the program.

“It was a really good experience for me,” said Davis. “I would’ve been really uncomfortable going from alternative school right into college.”

The class gives students a sample of the structure of a college course, the types of assignments involved, and helps develop the fundamental skills required for success in the postsecondary environment.

“The essay and the slideshows and presentations that we did – I could’ve done better, but I’m happy that I’ve experienced it,” said Davis.

While she comes off as modest, Davis has maintained a 90-plus grade with all of the major projects required for the course now completed. College was not always on the radar for the 19 year old, but her perspective on postsecondary has changed over the course of the semester.

“I wouldn’t have been as interested in going to college or university if I didn’t enter the dual credit program”

– Olivia Davis, Dual Credit Student

It’s fitting that her final high school credit, earned at college through the dual credit program, has helped bring into focus the next step in her educational pathway. Davis is contemplating the business program, specifically the accounting field, with an eye towards an entrepreneurial career.

“I want to open my own business one day, definitely,” said Davis. “I want to own something and be the boss. I rather not work for other people.”

Davis is considering the restaurant industry – she works as a shift manager and server part-time – and also has given some thought to opening a salon one day. For now, she is keen on the prospect of life as a college student.

“I like the freedom, and I like the facilities on campus,” said Davis. “When you’re new, getting around the school is kind of confusing, but this is a really amazing school.”

About Academic Partnerships:

Pathway Building since 2006. Academic Partnerships works with a comprehensive network of Pathway Builders (community, educational and government stakeholders) to create and deliver on a variety of experiential opportunities to be a college student through hands-on, curriculum-driven experiences for Pathway Explorers (students in grade 7 – 12). With a commitment to the dream development and pathway finding for students prior to starting full-time studies the team has programming at Algonquin College’s three Ontario Campuses: Ottawa, Pembroke, and Perth. For more information visit:


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