Dual Credit Support Teachers Share Their Experiences


Pierre Brisson

With a background in construction trades of 10 years, Pierre Brisson taught his craft at the high school level for 28 years. His specialties included woodworking, painting, and decorating. He has taught and organized co-op placements for students. He has been an Algonquin College Dual Credit support teacher since 2011.

What do you like the most about being a Dual Credit support teacher?

“I like the continued contact with the students. And it’s a pleasure to deal with students who are motivated, more so than they were in high school. Another thing that I like is to see the transition from high school thinking to college thinking. In many cases, it’s almost like a light goes on in their head and you can see it – it’s a marvelous thing.”

What do you think is the biggest challenge you face as a Dual Credit support teacher?

“Although it is often a good thing to see the transition from high school to college, there are some students who have a hard time making that transition. There are some who have a lot of difficulty and you can tell that it’s not their fault. In this environment there is a lot more expected from them and they really need to step it up, but most of them do end up successful.”

What is the most inspiring story about a student you’ve witnessed as a Dual Credit support teacher?

“I had an electrician student who had difficulty with math. He sought the extra help and he worked so hard. He did a lot of extra work, and yet he still didn’t quite make it. In the end, he failed 1 out of the 5 components necessary to complete the electrician course. When it was all said and done, the marks came in, and I called him to tell him he would need to repeat the one component. When I told him, he said “I’m just no good with it, I’m 17 years old, and I just took on a huge educational component in my life. I’m fine with having missed one. I’m still so proud of myself.” It was so nice to see that kind of maturity and positivity. I found that very inspiring.”


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