
Pathway Explorer Profile: Sven Buljubasic


Grade 12 student Sven Buljubasic arrived in the dual credit program after a recommendation from his teacher at Mother Teresa high school.

“When Mr. Pierce told me about the program, I thought it would be a good investment in my future at Algonquin,” said Buljubasic. Continue reading

Pathway Explorer Profile: Sheamus O’Connell


Sheamus O’Connell has a more hectic schedule than your average Grade 11 student, but he’s got plenty of experience navigating rough waters.

O’Connell is taking a woodworking class at West Carleton Secondary School, which is replaced by Drafting for the Trades two days a week as part of the Team Taught dual credit model offered by the college. As a Team Taught student, O’Connell is able to earn a college credit within his regular high school course load. Continue reading

Pathway Explorer Profile: Cole Zervos


Cole Zervos, a grade 12 South Carleton High School student, arrived at the dual credit pathway by way of the Special High Skills Major (SHSM) program. The ‘SHSM’ program allows students to focus on a career path that aligns with their skills and interests while earning a high school diploma, connecting students with reach-ahead opportunities such as the dual credit program at the college. Continue reading