
Dual Credit Support Teachers Share Their Experiences

Barbara Fischer














While working as a high school co-op teacher and summer school vice principal, Barbara became very interested in working as a Dual Credit Support Teacher at Algonquin College. Barbara was one of the first teachers to pilot the original program at St Paul High School from its creation many years ago. Her involvement in encouraging students to take the next step to higher learning was of utmost importance for her students’ futures. Algonquin College has always been a place where she has aspired to transition to at some point in time.

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Dual Credit Support Teachers Share Their Experiences

Dianne Langlois

While working as a high school teacher and the head of student services, Dianne Langlois was approached by the school board to come work as a Dual Credit support teacher at Algonquin College. At first, not knowing much about the program, Langlois actually turned down the position. She says that she has always liked working with students at risk and she is now a very dedicated support teacher and pathway builder for the Dual Credit program.
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Dual Credit Support Teachers Share Their Experiences

Jane McNorgan

Jane McNorgan is the support teacher in the St. Pauls’ Algonquin College Achievement Centre. She was as an English teacher at Sacred Heart High School, then moved into special education and was the inclusion coordinator for a number of years. And just last year has joined on as the Achievement Centre support teacher.
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Dual Credit Support Teachers Share Their Experiences


Pierre Brisson

With a background in construction trades of 10 years, Pierre Brisson taught his craft at the high school level for 28 years. His specialties included woodworking, painting, and decorating. He has taught and organized co-op placements for students. He has been an Algonquin College Dual Credit support teacher since 2011.
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High School Students Gain Insights on College Life Through Interactive Team Taught Visit

On Tuesday March 21st, the Academic Partnerships team welcomed a group of high school students participating in the Team Taught Dual Credit program to experience the services offered to them by the College.

Participating students from Osgoode Township High School and South Carleton High School are enrolled in a college communications course twice a week, in conjunction with their usual English course.

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Students from four local high schools experience college for a day

Students enrolled in Dual Credit courses at Sir Robert Borden, Sacred Heart, North Dundas, and St. Peter Catholic high schools were on campus Thursday April 6, 2017 to learn more about college life.

The visit is crucial for students to not only explore campus, but to start talking about making the transition from high school to college life and thinking.
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Pathway Explorer Profile: Synthia Aguirre


Grade 12 St. Patrick’s High School student Synthia Aguirre has explored two different pathway options through the dual credit program this school year, beginning with the chef training course in the Fall.

“It was pretty interesting,” said Aguirre. “It was a real mind opener and I learned a lot.” Continue reading