Current Students

Sven Buljubasic

NAME Sven Buljubasic
SCHOOL Mother Teresa Catholic High School
COURSE Computer Essentials – CST8101/ICA4T – INTEGRATED


How did you learn about the dual credit program? Who did you complete your application with?

When I met with my guidance counsellor to talk about my courses, we talked about what would be good for my future. I’m going to Algonquin for computer programming. I get a college and high school credit, so I thought, why not? It was nice to experience that. I completed my application with my guidance counsellor. Continue reading

Rebecca Ladouceur

NAME Rebecca Ladouceur
SCHOOL Mother Teresa Catholic High School
COURSE Hair – Preparatory Procedures – HAI1014/TXQ4T – INTEGRATED


How did you learn about the dual credit program? Who did you complete your application with?

I found out about the dual credit program through my guidance counsellor. I already knew what I wanted to do with hairstyling. I became interested right way after hearing about it. Both my classroom teacher and guidance counsellor told me about it. I completed my application with my guidance counsellor. Continue reading