Dual Credit Support Teachers Share Their Experiences

Jane McNorgan

Jane McNorgan is the support teacher in the St. Pauls’ Algonquin College Achievement Centre. She was as an English teacher at Sacred Heart High School, then moved into special education and was the inclusion coordinator for a number of years. And just last year has joined on as the Achievement Centre support teacher.

What do you like the most about being a Dual Credit support teacher?

“My favourite part is actually watching the students step into that transition of the adult learning model at college. It’s very different for them, the expectations, and the contact with professors is all very new. You don’t normally call your high school teacher, so that’s very new.”

What do you think is the biggest challenge you face as a Dual Credit support teacher?

“I find the biggest challenge, in terms of the Dual Credit, is linking up the semesters. Trying to match the high school schedule with the college term.”

What is the most inspiring story about a student you’ve witnessed as a Dual Credit support teacher?

“There was a student who didn’t think he had the skills to attend college in the program of his choice, but after taking the Dual Credit, he was very interested in applying to the program and has moved forward and has done that. Whereas before the Dual Credit, he was not going to apply.”


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