Successful start to 2015-16 academic year for Academic Partnerships

Fall 2015 Dual Credit InfographicIt’s been a successful start to the 2015-16 academic year for the Academic Partnerships team.

The dual credit program continues to thrive thanks in part to a large network of what the office has coined as pathway builders — educators, Administrators, Community Partners and anyone else committed to improving the transition from high school to college.

The network of pathway builders delivered an outstanding term of success this past Fall. Working in partnership with six district school boards, the Academic Partnerships team enrolled 288 registrants in dual credit programs at the Ottawa, Pembroke and Perth campuses. After 11,970 teaching hours over the course of the semester, the dual credit program delivered an 89% academic achievement success rate.

The dual credit program has produced significant results for students, Algonquin College and the greater community in the past decade and continues to grow and expand every year. All told, Academic Partnerships has served 5,627 dual credit students since 2006. 762 former dual credit students are currently studying full time as of winter of 2016.

With the level of success already achieved by this program, the Academic Partnerships team is excited about what we can create in the future. This fall, Academic Partnerships completed their annual Request for Proposals process, requesting a record $1,371,969 with a focus on expanding course seats in dual credits and growing college exploration activities for grade 7 – 10 students.

→ Full Memo

About Academic Partnerships:

Pathway Building since 2006. Academic Partnerships works with a comprehensive network of Pathway Builders (community, educational and government stakeholders) to create and deliver on a variety of experiential opportunities to be a college student through hands-on, curriculum-driven experiences for Pathway Explorers (students in grade 7 – 12). With a commitment to the dream development and pathway finding for students prior to starting full-time studies the team has programming at Algonquin College’s three Ontario Campuses: Ottawa, Pembroke, and Perth. For more information visit:


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