Maria Stone

Maria Stone
All Saints Catholic High School
1. Addictions Program – FAM1131/PPA4T – CONGREGATED
2. Voice – PER4004/AMF4T – CONGREGATED (withdrew early March)


How did you learn about the dual credit program? Who did you complete your application with?

Student Services advertised the dual credit program. I met with my guidance counsellor and completed both applications for each course in guidance.

Did you attend an orientation session? What did you find most helpful about orientation?

Yes, I attended the orientation session for my first dual credit. It was very helpful, especially with how to log in and scheduling. I did not attend the tour because I could figure it out on my own. I recommend students attend the orientation session.

I didn’t need to attend orientation for the second course.

Did you think you were you prepared for the course?

Not for the second course.

Do you think the dual credit a good fit?

First course, Addictions: It was a very good fit. I felt ready and was very excited. I really liked the content and I liked the college instructor. The course was easy to follow along. I learned different perspectives about the subject. The assignments were reasonable. It was important to be there. The course was taken from 1:00-4:00 Friday. I had co-op in the afternoons, so it worked really well for me. I adjusted to the timelines and evaluation easily.

Second course, Voice: This course was not a good fit for me. It was my third choice and the only course that was open with spots. I had agreed to do it with a friend. I did not need the course to graduate. I really wanted to do the hairstyling program. I met the deadline but assumed I didn’t get in because it was my second course. I stayed in this course for about a month. It was on a Wednesday in the afternoon, interfered with classes at the school, and I was working two jobs. I also had family member pass away.

Did you require any accommodations? Were your needs meet?


How was transportation?

I took the bus, but there were no problems.

How comfortable were you with the technology aspect of the course?


What were the greatest differences between high school and college?

Assignments were reasonable. It was important to be there at the college course.

I adjusted to timelines and evaluation easily.

If you needed to communicate with your College instructor, what was the best way?

I could email or phone my college instructor and they were accessible right after class. Support from my dual credit support teacher was especially helpful with buses.


The Voice course was not a good fit for me. It was my third choice and the only course that was open with spots. I had agreed to do it with a friend. I did not need the course to graduate. I really wanted to do the hairstyling program. I met the deadline but assumed I didn’t get in because it was my second course. I stayed in this course for about a month. It was on a Wednesday in the afternoon, interfered with classes at the school, and I was working two jobs. I also had a family member pass away.

Would you recommend that other students take a dual credit? Why or why not?

If you are willing to manage it, it is a good experience. It gives you a good perspective of college, and a nice change from high school.

What do you hope to do once you’ve graduated from High School?

I hope to be an esthetician and work in make-up for the dramatic arts. I have been accepted at Algonquin in the esthetician program.

Last say/best advice

It would be good to have more spots open for courses that are popular like hairstyling.


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