Mary Jane Goddard

Mary Jane Goddard
South Carleton Secondary School
ENL1813/ENG4C – Team Taught


How did you learn about the dual credit program? Who did you complete your application with?

My guidance counsellor was talking to me and said there’s a chance to do dual credit because I was doing well in English. My guidance counsellor approached me.

Did you attend your orientation session?


Did you feel well prepared for the course?

I felt I was mostly prepared because of other English classes and knowing I had a strong background in English.

Do think the dual credit program was a good fit?

It was. It gives me something that challenges me because it’s a bit harder than usual English would be. I like that it challenges me.

Did you require any accommodations? Were your needs meet?

I have an IEP (Individual Education Plan) for extra time. I don’t really need it because I always have my work done ahead of time.

How was transportation?


How did you find the technology aspect of the course?

I’m not a big fan of working online. It took a bit of time to get used to it.

Is there anything we could’ve done to help with that?

Not really. I’m just not good with online stuff. This was my first time doing an online component to a course. I was well supported.

What were the greatest differences between high school and college?

Assessment/evaluation at the college: I found the assessment and evaluation pretty straightforward. We have a week or so and know when the deadline is, so we can have it done. It’s not like, “it’s due tomorrow.” Deadlines were reasonable.

The online tests were pretty good. You get your results really fast.

If you needed to have communication with your instructor, what was the best way?

If I wasn’t in class, it would be email. I haven’t emailed the college instructor because I haven’t needed anything.


The online component was a challenge because there is not much Internet access at my house. It was not a problem at school.

Would you recommend that other students take a dual credit? Why or why not?

I would recommend the dual credit program. It gives you a chance to prepare for college or university. It was a chance to know what I’m doing with the online stuff and the grading system. I would take another dual credit.

What do you hope to do once you’ve graduated from High School?

I’m hoping to go for Culinary Arts at St. Lawrence or Algonquin.

Last Say/Best advice

Deadlines are stricter and you can’t hand things in afterward.


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