Jacob Stelmach

Jacob Stelmach
Algonquin Achievement Centre – Holy Trinity/St. Ambrose
Career and College Success Skills – MGT8100/GCC4T – CONGREGATED


How did you learn about the dual credit program? Who did you complete your application with?

When I was at St. Nick’s/St. Ambrose, my classroom teacher introduced it to me what dual credits were. I didn’t really know about it beforehand. They said you can earn a college and high school credit at the same time, so I said, “that’s a no brainer.” Anne Stankovich, my classroom teacher, approached and helped me apply for the credit.


Jacob Stelmach

Did you attend an orientation session? What did you find most helpful about orientation?


Did you think you were you prepared for the course?


Do you think the dual credit a good fit?

Yes. It was pretty much all about how to manage your time wisely. I’m a pretty lazy and procrastinating kind of guy. I’ll admit it. But it was good because it helped me prepare for what college will be next year. I’ve been accepted into Algonquin for computer engineering.

Did you require any accommodations? Were your needs meet?


How was transportation?

A presto pass was supplied.

I was in the Algonquin Achievement Centre, so I took the bus to the college.

How comfortable were you with the technology aspect of the course?

The college instructor went through that and walked us through it.

Yes, I was comfortable with this aspect of the course. I’ve always been one for technology, so it was easy for me.

What were the greatest differences between high school and college?

Assessment and Evaluation: Our college instructor was lenient. He was more like high school, or in between with the marking stuff. He gave us a lot of leeway and second chances if we didn’t finish work on time, but he always said, “you won’t get this in college.” I would’ve been motivated to go to college no matter what, but it definitely helped because I am already one step ahead of the game with the credit and knowing the campus. It was pretty easy to meet the deadlines.

If you needed to communicate with your College instructor, what was the best way?

Our college instructor was always answering email questions. I just kind of prefer seeing him everyday in person. It was kind of difficult since we were only seeing each other once a week.


My course wasn’t that difficult. I wouldn’t say anything was too challenging.

Would you recommend that other students take a dual credit? Why or why not?

This course definitely prepares you for your college destination.

The course was all about group work and working together with other students that you aren’t necessarily best friends with, or don’t really know. In that aspect of things, it for sure prepared me.

There are a lot of benefits. You’d be crazy not to. It’s a good opportunity.

What do you hope to do once you’ve graduated from High School?

I am taking computer engineering next year here at Algonquin College.

Last say

There weren’t any negatives that I can think of. The best thing would be that you could earn a high school and college credit at the same time, for me, and also the experience that can go along with it.

Best advice

Just do it.

I feel more mature coming to a college when my friends are all still in high school. I laugh at them.


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