Lucas Mullholland

Lucas Mullholland
South Carleton Secondary School
Automotive Service Technician – AST OYAP/ TTE4Y


This was Lucas’ second dual credit course having taken Career and College Success Skills (MGT8100) previously.

How did you learn about the dual credit program? Who did you complete your application with?

I didn’t really know about the dual credit program at first. I knew about apprenticeships. I had talked to my co-op teacher about signing up for the program. It kind of just went from there. I filled out the application with my co-op teacher.

Lucas Mullholland

Lucas Mullholland

Did you attend an orientation session? What did you find most helpful about orientation?

Yes. The orientation was slightly helpful. It got me prepared for certain things I needed to know during the course.

Did you think you were you prepared for the course?

Most of it was math that we had to remember. We’ve used it all throughout the course, so that was really helpful.

Do you think the dual credit was a good fit?

I enjoy it quite a bit. I always have.

Did you require any accommodations? Were your needs meet?


How was transportation?

My dad drops me off at one of the OC Transpo stations. I take it back to Barrhaven and get picked up by my dad. It’s manageable

How comfortable were you with the technology aspect of the course?

We have good enough Internet at home. I’ve been able to use tech fine.

What were the greatest differences between high school and college?


If you needed to communicate with your College instructor, what was the best way?

You can talk to the college instructor just before or after class and he’ll do a one on one with you. Sometimes, he will explain certain details to you if you don’t understand, even during class sometimes. You can ask a simple question and he’ll explain it to you and the entire class.

Support readily available? Yes


Just keeping up with the teacher. Sometimes he speaks very quickly. I am not much of a listener-learner. I am more hands-on and visual.

Would you recommend that other students take a dual credit? Why or why not?

Highly recommend it. I’ve heard that there was also a trades dual credit to try the different trades. It helps give you an understanding of the types of trades out there. You get an understanding of what maybe you want to do or like better. The Career and College Success Skills course helped me make my notes better, and helped me find my way through tech and work faster.

What do you hope to do once you’ve graduated from High School?

Hopefully I am planning on getting a job at a garage so I can work on and practice and get ready for my Level 2.

I’ll probably come back to Algonquin College.

Last say/best advice

The dual credit program is a highly enjoyable experience. It’s informative. It prepares you for further experiences and maybe future employment. It helps to keep you organized, knowing how to get into certain programs and the requirements. It’s a really good course to get into and I really enjoy it. It’s been a really good experience.



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