Victoria Nolan

Victoria Nolan
St. Francis Xavier Catholic High School
Child Development FAM1243/TOF4T, CONGREGATED
Semester 2, 2017


How did you learn about the dual credit program? Who did you complete your application with?

I am thinking about going into ECE (Early Childhood Education). I like working with young children. I have applied for the ECE course as dual credit and I’m waiting to see if I am accepted. I heard about it through friends. I saw my guidance counsellor then met with Co-op. My application was completed through Co-op. My friends have completed the dual credit program. It sounds interesting. The dual credit presentation confirmed I wanted to take the course. I’m hoping to see if this course is what I want to do or if I should do something else.

What do you hope to do once you’ve graduated from High School?

I hope to go to college for Early Childhood Education.


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