Johnny Ethier

Johnny Ethier
Lester B Pearson Catholic High School
Automotive Service Technician – AST OYAP/ TTE4Y


How did you learn about the dual credit program? Who did you complete your application with?

I found out about the dual credit program through my school. I was in the SHSM program and basically they offered the top four students an opportunity to get a dual credit at Algonquin. It was my guidance counsellor. I filled out my application with my co-op teacher.

Johnny Ethier

Johnny Ethier

Did you attend an orientation session? What did you find most helpful about orientation?

Yes. The orientation was good. It just showed what to expect. I learned more about the college – how to get around, and which area I’ll be in. They showed me blackboard and how to sign in. We just went through blackboard and ACSIS. They just set us all up for the course. It helped me a lot.

Did you think you were you prepared for the course?


Do you think the dual credit was a good fit?

It was a good fit. I’m really into the subject – automotive.

Did you require any accommodations? Were your needs meet?


How was transportation?

I drive everyday.

How comfortable were you with the technology aspect of the course?

We don’t use blackboard regularly. I think it’s just based on the teacher.

What were the greatest differences between high school and college?

Assessment and evaluation: It’s more about your effort to learn. It’s not the same as high school. You can put not much effort in high school and still pass. With college, you have to put your effort in and show that you hand things in and you put an effort into your work.

If you needed to communicate with your College instructor, what was the best way?

If there was an issue, I was able to communicate with the instructor very easily. He was very helpful. I think he is available over email, but I just talked to him in person.

It was good with Pierre, our dual credit support teacher. I had an issue signing in early on the course and he was able to help me get into Blackboard.


The biggest challenge was getting homework done and getting it in on time.

I was having trouble handing in homework on time. For the first couple of weeks I was having trouble, but I got better.

I was more used to high school style. If I missed handing in an assignment, I always had extra time. With college, you’re losing marks each time. It was just an adjustment.

Would you recommend a math background before entering the program?

A little bit of math, yeah. Nothing too crazy, but a Grade 12 math is definitely good for this.

Would you recommend that other students take a dual credit? Why or why not?

Yes, I would recommend the dual credit program. For sure. I’d take another dual credit because it’s an opportunity to learn. The college helps you with a lot of things. If you get offered the chance to learn, you should take it.

I would recommend my program because, even if you don’t end up being a mechanic, you can always use this skill in your everyday living. Say something happens to your car – at least you know what’s wrong.

What do you hope to do once you’ve graduated from High School?

I’m hoping to remain with the same co-op I’m at, where I’m doing my apprenticeship at the garage. I’m hoping to be able to obtain some hours during the summer. I can apply for college for next year.

Last say/best advice

You get a good feel for how it’s going to be in the workplace.

Before, I wasn’t sure. I’d get good marks, but I was iffy about it. Once I took this program, I really fell in love with the automotive program.


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