Dylan Rodrigues

Dylan Rodrigues
Notre Dame Catholic High School
1. Career and College Success Skills – MGT8100/GCC4T -CONGREGATED (Completed in Grade 11)
2. Pre-trade Explorations GAS0041+/ TIB4T – CONGREGATED (Completed in Grade 12)


How did you learn about the dual credit program? Who did you complete your application with?

I found out about dual credit program through Mrs. Laderoute, my guidance counsellor. I completed my application with her in guidance.

Did you attend an orientation session? What did you find most helpful about orientation?

Yes, I attended the orientation sessions for both courses. The best thing was the food. The tour was helpful, and the Blackboard review was helpful. I recommend students attend these orientation sessions.

Do you think the dual credit was a good fit?

Both dual credits were a good fit. It was a good change. It kept me motivated to stay and work in school. I needed to be with other people with the same interests. It was good to see new faces other than the same ones from high school everyday.

First course, Career and College Success Skills: It was a good fit for me. It prepared me for college and really helped me. The best thing about his course was learning about note taking.

Second course, Pre-Trades Exploration: It was a very good fit because I really want to get into the trades, especially commercial plumbing. The best thing about this course was that it was hands-on and had actual lab work.

It didn’t interfere much with my regular high school classes. I left at lunch from high school.

Did you require any accommodations? Were your needs meet?


How was transportation?

I got a drive from mom or I took the bus. I had no problems.

How comfortable were you with the technology aspect of the course?

Keeping up with work on the computer was most challenging.

What were the greatest differences between high school and college?

The biggest difference between high school and college was the bigger workload in college. It was nice to have people in the course with the same interests as you.

If you needed to communicate with your college instructor, what was the best way?

I had no problems with communications. I could call the college instructor directly for help. He was good to keep in touch with me, especially when I was behind on an assignment. He called me directly.


Keeping up with work on the computer was most challenging.

Would you recommend that other students take a dual credit? Why or why not?

I would recommend both these dual credit courses to anyone who wants to go to college.

What do you hope to do once you’ve graduated from High School?

I am attending Algonquin for Electrical Engineering. I am hoping to eventually go into commercial plumbing. This last dual credit really helped me decide that.

Last say/best advice

There are no disadvantages of taking the dual credit courses. Even if you take it and don’t like it, you at least know that it is not for you in college.


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