Alexander Cook

Alexander Cook
St. Francis Xavier Catholic High School
Automotive Service Technician AST – OYAP/ TXF4Y
Semester 2, 2017


How did you learn about the dual credit program? Who did you complete your application with?

I am working with my Co-op teacher and he mentioned the AST Automotive Service Technician program and OYAP. He saw that I was succeeding in auto. My Co-op teacher and my classroom teacher asked me to consider this. I am so happy to have been approached. I am completing the dual credit application with my Co-op teacher. I hope to complete a full time apprenticeship in semester 2, at Donnelly Ford.


Alexander Cook

I was always interested in mechanics… in gr. 10, I took auto and it just took off.

I am a good mix of both academics and hands on work.

What do you hope to do once you’ve graduated from High School?

I am currently in the university pathway. I have a career pathway for Auto mechanics because that is my passion.


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