How to Access Algonquin College Surveys

You may access your survey in two ways:

  1. Through Brightspace or
  2. Through your Algonquin Live email account


Through Brightspace

Step 1: Go into one of your courses.

Step 2: From within one of your course pages in Brightspace, click the “Tools” menu and select “College Surveys”.

Note: You must be within one of your courses. You cannot access this tool from the Brightspace Homepage.

Image of a Brightspace course page showing the "College Surveys" tab under the Tools menu

Step 3: From the College Surveys page, access your surveys and click “Start Survey”.

Image of the College Surveys page showing the "Start Survey" tab


Through Algonquin Live email account

Step 1: Log into your Algonquin Live email account with your User ID and password.

Image showing the log in page of Algonquin Live email account

Step 2: Using the search bar at the top of the inbox, type the keywords, “AC Experience” or “Course Feedback”, depending on the survey you are looking for, to find your survey invitation.

Image showing the keywords, "AC experience" written in the search bar of the email inbox

Step 3: Your email invitation will be from “Algonquin College – Cristy Montgomery, Manager of Institutional Analytics and Planning”.

A screen shot of the OCSES Email.

Step 4: Click the “Click Here to Start the Survey” at the end of the email to participate in the survey.


A screen shot of the OCSES Email showing the link to click to get to your survey.

To learn more about the surveys we run at Algonquin College, click here.