Student Experience Survey – FALL 2020

Survey Questions (Fall 2020)

Note: This list does not include questions that may be asked as a result of skip logic.

Student Engagement – The degree of attention, curiosity, interest, optimism and passion that students show when they are learning and being taught.

Considering the above definition of Student Engagement, please rate the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following statements in relation to your own engagement in your remote/online courses: (Strongly disagree to Strongly agree)

  • I attend all of my classes
  • I ask questions during class
  • I participate in discussions
  • I take notes
  • I read the material related to my course
  • I actively listen (pay attention)
  • I reach out to my instructors/professors/facilitators to ask questions after/outside of class
  • I like the program I am taking
  • I enjoy learning new things
  • I look forward to my remote classes
  • I talk with people outside of school about what I’m learning
  • What I am learning will be important in my future career/education
  • I try to understand how the things I learn in my course(s) relate to each other

Overall how would you rate your own engagement in a remote/online learning environment? (Excellent to Poor)

Thinking about your courses this Fall term, please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following:

  • I receive timely feedback from professors/instructors/facilitators
  • I am provided clear examples of what we are learning
  • It is clear how I am being assessed
  • My instructors/professors/facilitators use a variety of instructional methods (use on or more of the following: PowerPoint, video/YouTube, Zoom, on-line discussion, etc)
  • My instructors/professors/facilitators is helpful when I do not understand something in my class
  • My instructors/professors/facilitators are enthusiastic

Overall how would you rate your instructors/professors/facilitators’ engagement in a remote/online learning environment? (Excellent to Poor)

Do you have access to space that is conducive to doing your academic work and attending your classes remotely?

  • Yes, I have a space that is good for doing my academic studies
  • I have a space but it isn’t very good
  • No, I do not have a space that is good for doing my academic studies

I have the tools (computer/laptop, internet, webcam, etc) I need to be successful? (Strongly disagree to Strongly Agree)

Thinking of how you felt before starting your Fall term compared to now, please select one of the following:

  • My comfort level learning in a remote/online environment …
    • has increased, I feel more comfortable.
    • has remained the same – still comfortable.
    • has remained the same – still uncomfortable.
    • has decreased, I no longer feel comfortable.
  • My preferred learning environment …
    • is still 100% face-to-face.
    • is still some face-to-face.
    • is still 100%remote/online.
    • has changed to some face-to-face.
    • has changed to 100% remote/online.
    • has changed to 100% face-t0-face.
  • My opinion about the quality of remote/online instruction
    • is better than I expected.
    • is what I expected.
    • is worse than I expected.

Overall how would you rate your remote/online learning experience since the beginning of the Fall term? (Excellent to Poor)

How difficult has it been keeping up with classwork while learning in a remote/online learning environment? (Very difficult to Not at all difficult)

Since the beginning of the Fall term, have you used the Library website? (Yes or No)

How difficulty have you found it to navigate and use Brightspace? (Very difficult to Not at all difficult)

The layout of my courses in Brightspace is consistent with my other courses? (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)

Overall how would you rate your current ability to deal with stressors in your life? (Excellent to Poor)

Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, are you concerned about any of the following issues? Select all that apply.

  • My physical health
  • The physical health of others (family members, etc)
  • My mental and emotional health
  • Social isolation
  • Maintaining or securing housing
  • Securing reliable childcare
  • Ability to pay for education
  • I don’t know/I have no concerns

Are you aware that the following Student Services are available online? (Yes or No)

  • Library & Student Learning Centre
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Counselling Services
  • Centre for Accessible Learning
  • Testing Services
  • Health Services
  • Transition Support Centre
  • Umbrella Project
  • Project Lighthouse
  • Employment Services
  • AC Hub

Since the start of the Fall term, have you connected with any of the following resources at AC? Select all that apply

  • Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL)
  • Counselling Services
  • Financial Aid
  • Library
  • Student Learning Centre (Peer Tutoring, Coaching Services)
  • Heath Services
  • Information Technology Services
  • Registrar’s Office
  • Campus Services – Campus Store
  • Campus Services – Parking
  • Employment Services
  • Academic Advisor
  • Student Success Specialist
  • Pathway Advisor
  • International Education Centre
  • None of the above
  • Other (please specify)

Overall to what extent are you concerned with how COVID-19 impacts you as a student? (Very concerned to Very unconcerned/do not know)

What do you like MOST/LEAST about your remote/online learning experience so far?