Student Experience Survey – SPRING 2020

Note: This list does not include questions that may be asked as a result of skip logic.

What best describes your current living arrangements?

  • Living off campus with family, significant other, child(ren), and/or relatives
  • Living off campus alone
  • Living off campus with other students, or friends
  • Living on campus in student residence
  • Other (Please specify)

Do you have access to space that is conducive to doing your academic work and attending your classes remotely?

  • Yes, I have a space that is good for doing my academic studies
  • I have a space but it isn’t very good
  • No, I do not have a space that is good for doing my academic studies

What is your previous experience in learning in an online/remote environment?

  • None – I’ve never taken a course online/remote before
  • Some – I’ve taken one course completely online/remote (ie. GenEd)
  • Experienced – I’ve completed two or more online/remote courses simultaneously

How difficult have you found it to navigate and use the following tools? (Very difficult, somewhat difficult, not very difficult, not at all difficult)

  • Brightspace
  • Zoom
  • Library resources (ie. Catalogue, publications, etc)
  • Other [open text]

How would you describe your ideal learning environment?

  • All face-to-face learning
  • Mostly face-to-face with some remote learning
  • All remote learning
  • Mostly remote with some face-to-face

How satisfied have you been with your instructors’ engagement in a remote learning environment?

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied
  • Not applicable

How engaged have you been with your coursework since beginning remote studies?

  • Very engaged – attending all remote class sessions
  • Somewhat engaged – attending most remote class sessions
  • Somewhat disengaged – missing many remote class sessions
  • Very disengaged – missing all/most remote class sessions

How would you rate your own interaction with the following:
(Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair, Poor)

  • Classmates and instructors during remote class sessions
  • Classmates outside of remote class sessions
  • Instructors outside of remote class sessions

Please rate the extent to which you disagree or agree with the following statements

  • I feel prepared to participate in remote classes
  • I have the tools (computer or laptop, internet, webcam) I need to be successful
  • I feel motivated to study for remote classes
  • Teachers provide effective instruction in remote classes

How likely or unlikely are you to stay enrolled at Algonquin for the Fall 2020 term?

  • Very likely
  • Somewhat likely
  • Unsure
  • Somewhat unlikely
  • Very unlikely
  • Not applicable

How would you rate your overall remote learning experience since the beginning of the Spring Term?

  • Excellent
  • Very good
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor

What do you like MOST about your remote learning experience so far?

What do you like LEAST about your remote learning experience so far?


Overall, how concerned are you with how the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) impacts you as a student?

  • Very concerned
  • Somewhat concerned
  • Neither concerned nor unconcerned
  • Somewhat unconcerned
  • Very unconcerned
  • I don’t know

Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, are you concerned about any of the following issues? Select all that apply

  • My physical health
  • The physical health of others (family members, etc..)
  • My mental and emotional health
  • Social isolation
  • Maintaining or securing housing
  • Securing reliable childcare
  • Access to tools and technology necessary for remote learning
  • Access to campus resources (meals, counselling)
  • Quality of remote instruction
  • Keeping up with classwork
  • Ability to graduate on time
  • Ability to pay for my education
  • Missing important events (ie. Graduation)
  • Uncertainty about returning to campus
  • Missing out-of-classroom or off-campus experiences (ie. clinical placements, internships)
  • Ability to get a job after graduation
  • Other: (please specify)
  • I don’t know or I have no concerns

Please rate your level of confidence in the following: (Not at all on confident, Not very confident, Slightly confident, Fairly confident, Very confident)

  • Completing homework within deadlines
  • Focus on school subjects
  • Get information on class assignments from the library
  • Take part in class discussions
  • Keep your academic work organized

How do you rate your current ability to cope with the stressors in your life?

  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Average
  • Below average
  • Poor

Have you connected with any of the following resources at Algonquin College? Select all that apply.

  • Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL)
  • Counselling Services
  • Financial Aid
  • Student Learning Centre (Peer Tutoring, Coaching Services)
  • Health Services
  • Information Technology Services
  • Registrar’s Office
  • Campus Services (The Campus Store)
  • Employment Support Centre
  • Library Resources
  • Academic Advisor
  • Student Success Specialist
  • Other (please indicate)

How satisfied were you with the services? (Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neither satisfied or dissatisfied, Satisfied, Very satisfied)

How do you prefer to receive official information about Algonquin’s decisions and updates related to COVID-19? Please select all that apply

  • Emails
  • Announcement on Brightspace
  • Algonquin College website (dedicated COVID-19)
  • Algonquin College social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,WebChat)

How satisfied are you with the information you have received from Algonquin College with respect to your studies this term (Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied)

Moving forward, what can Algonquin College do to improve or better assist your learning experience during the COVID-19 pandemic? [open text]