Fred Montpetit
Registered Nurse, Island Health – Vancouver Island Health Authority
Nursing – Class of 2001
Frederick Montpetit, RN, BN has always embraced new opportunities, challenges and change. After graduating from Algonquin College in 2001, he nursed in the emergency department of Manitoba’s second largest hospital. Soon after, he moved to Rankin Inlet, Nunavut where he worked as a Community Health and Public Health nurse. The skills he developed at Algonquin College underwrote his promotion to nursing administration as both the Regional Manager for Kivalliq Public Health and a Nursing Director in Nunavut’s Health and Social Services department. In 2008, Frederick was named the first Chief Nursing Officer for Nunavut.
As Chief Nursing Officer, Frederick was responsible for the implementation of the Nunavut Nursing Recruitment and Retention Strategy. He worked with frontline nurses to develop the Community Health Nursing Policies and Procedures. He oversaw territorial nursing quality and control programs. He also made a meaningful contribution to the Nunavut Arctic College’s Bachelor of Arctic Nursing program.
Frederick has served on the Board of the Community Health Nurses of Canada, the Executive Board of the Registered Nurses Association of Nunavut and the Northwest Territories, the Board of the NWT/NU Public Health Association, and the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Chief Nurses Group.
Frederick currently works as a Community Health Nurse in Ucluelet, BC.
Correy was one of four animators accepted into the Disney Talent Development Program—of 1,300 applicants worldwide. He trained for six months under a seasoned mentor in the company, and at the end was one of just two kept on for full-time work.