Frequently Asked Questions

How do I change my mailing address?
To update your contact details, visit our Update Contact Information page.

Where can I order a transcript or new diploma?
You can request a transcript or new diploma through the Registrar’s Office.

How do I hire a graduate or student, or post a job?
The Co-op and Career Centre can help. Visit the Employers section of their website here.

How can I obtain my student number?
You can obtain your student number by calling the Registrar’s Office at 613-727-0002. Please note that the Alumni office does not disclose student numbers for privacy reasons.

Am I a member of the alumni?
If you’ve graduated, you are already one of almost 230,000 alumni – and this number is growing! Graduates of Algonquin College and any of its predecessor organizations are automatically considered alumni. That includes the Eastern Ontario Institute of Technology (EOIT), the Ottawa Civic Hospital School of Nursing, the Lorraine School of Nursing, and the Ottawa Vocation School, among others.

How do I obtain my alumni card?

Graduates can request a new alumni card, or convert their student card (2011 or later) to an alumni card through Card Services.

If you have any questions contact or call 613-727-4723 Ext. 7187.

DISCLAIMER: The alumni card is not a substitute for your official record.

How can I submit my graduate success story?
If you have news you’d like to share, let us know! Send an email to with your updated information. Algonquin College is proud of its graduates and supports a wide range of awards and recognition events.

I’d like to plan a reunion. Can the Alumni & Friends Network help?
Yes! The Alumni & Friends Network can help you contact former classmates, as well as supply you with door prizes for the event. Email us at

Where can I purchase a frame for my diploma?
Frames are available through the Woodroffe campus store, Connections, The Campus Store.

What benefits and services are available?
See our complete range of benefits and services.

How can I give to Algonquin College?
Help students in need by making a donation to Algonquin College . Advancement raises funds for bursaries, scholarships, and awards that make a difference in the lives of students today and for generations to come. Contact the Algonquin College Advancement department at 613-727-4723 ext. 7113 to learn more.