Gay Cook Bursary

Gay Cook was a beloved figure in the Canadian food industry, known for her boundless enthusiasm, creativity, and passion for sharing knowledge. Her contributions to Algonquin College’s School of Hospitality and Tourism inspired generations of culinary students. Gay was not only a skilled chef but a mentor, leader, and advocate for inclusivity, always encouraging collaboration and the sharing of knowledge.

In 2005, in celebration of her 75th birthday, the Gay Cook Bursary was established by family and friends to recognize deserving culinary students who embody her values—working together, fostering cooperation, and inspiring others. Today, her legacy continues to support the next generation of chefs who will carry forward her passion for culinary excellence.

To honour Gay’s memory, we invite you to consider donating to the Gay Cook Bursary Fund. Your generosity will help continue her mission of nurturing talented students and ensuring that her vibrant spirit lives on through their successes.